Research & Working Papers 2007

Asymmetry in the Science and Technology Base and Its Bearing on Regional Development

Rajesh Shukla , N.G. Satish , P. Rama Rao

Research Paper | MARGIN: The Journal of Applied Economic Research

It was envisaged in the Science Policy Resolution (SPR), which Nehru got the Parliament to approve in 1958, that the country would participate fully in the march of science. However, as we celebrate the golden jubilee of the pioneering SPR, it is discomforting to note that just as there are economic disparities, the science and technology (S&T) scenario also presents glaring regional imbalances in the country. This paper examines asymmetries in S&T development across the states in terms of category wise spread of research institutions. The paper further studies what bearing S&T institutional disparities have, if any, on regional economic development with the help of an extensive dataset developed for the purpose. The results of the study suggest a notable correlation between S&T development and the economic and welfare status of different regions of the country.